Elementor #14903

Your monthly Legal Updates with Thread Legal





Thread’s August Webinar will help you with keeping track of key dates and time sensitive documents!





Aa lawyer, keeping track of all the important deadlines and the milestones you need to reach to accomplish assignments can be very challenging. 


You can’t afford to miss a key date—especially if we are talking about critical court-rules deadlines, statute of limitations, time-sensitive documents, etc.


In this webinar, we tell you how you can make sure that you NEVER miss a deadline ever again thanks to Thread Software. 


In addition, we will talk about the capability that enables collaboration and allows you to create pending documents that can be revised or approved for different members of your team, at any time. 


Save your spot!



Sign Up for the webinar today!




Artificial Intelligence and Lawyers





As the field of technology continues to change, artificial intelligence has changed the way on which many different industries work. The law industry is no exception.  
AI holds significant benefits for legal teams and lawyers, decreasing the time spent on data processing and legal research and improving morale and time management.
This article describes more in detail what other improvements have been possible and why should you be aware of them. 

How Artificial Intelligence Is Changing The Law Industry for The Better




Does your Law Firm have a plan to deal with Unstructured data? 






Every day, a conventional legal practise interacts with a large amount of data. Files over files get piled up every day and cumulate in a corner, without being properly discovered analysed and organised. 


In fact, disorganised or unstructured data makes up 80% of the materials that legal businesses deal with on a daily basis!


Disorganised or Unstructured Data in Law Firms grows exponentially with time.




How to deal with Disorganised Data in your Law firm?

Here are some tips on how can your Law firm deal with this issue in a time and cost-effective way.




Tips for Law Firms to Cut Expenses





Running a business can be expensive, and a law firm is no exception. From staff payroll to marketing, the costs can add up. However, with the prices of goods and services rising astronomically, you may be looking for ways of mitigating the effects. 


The good news is there are a few ways of doing so.


Here are some useful tips that can help you out:



Stay tuned for more Legal content and make sure to follow our social media accounts for more Thread updates.






Happy practice!











Yours Truly,

The Thread Legal Software Team










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Eircode: K67 C5Y6

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